“I Can’t Believe it’s (Knot) Math: Invariants and the Kauffman X Polynomial,” 12:10 on 10/21 in the Great Room, Hildreth-Mirza Hall

Student Colloquium:

Presented by the Mathematics Department Student Colloquium Series.

Great Room, Hildreth-Mirza Hall

Pizza served starting at 11:40; the Talk starts at 12:10pm.

Title: I Can’t Believe it’s (Knot) Math: Invariants and the Kauffman X Polynomial

Presenter: Zach Cline, Department of Mathematics, Bucknell University

Abstract: Once studied by mathematicians for their presumed connections to atoms, knots are now studied in their own right, and their study has revealed deep connections to other fields, like hyperbolic geometry and quantum field theory. They have also been used more pragmatically to study knotting phenomena in DNA. In this talk, we will define a few basic notions from knot theory, introduce the concept of invariants, which is the primary source of connections to other fields, and derive a particular invariant known as the Kauffman X Polynomial.

Mathy Art Contest Exhibit and Voting

Come enjoy the entries to the Mathy Art Contest and vote on your favorite in several categories!

Before and after the talk: 11:30am-noon and 1:10-1:40pm