“I spy with my untrained eye” – Prof. Sara Stoudt; Thursday Mar. 21 at Noon in Olin 268

Bucknell Mathematics Student Colloquium Series

Thurs. Mar. 21, 2024 | Noon-12:50PM  | Olin 268

I Spy with my Untrained Eye
Presented by Sara Stoudt, Assistant Professor of Statistics, Bucknell University

ABSTRACT: Many ecological questions require hard-won data, but thanks to participation from community members on a variety of nature apps, there is more and more data available for a variety of species, across longer time scales and broader spatial extents. However, this data is collected in a less systematic way, so there are limitations for its use for statistical modeling. I’ll talk about finding creative ways to make this data usable for scientific research and what we learn about both the animals and the data collectors themselves through this process. I’ll share case studies on bird and butterfly data and talk about where we are headed next with this work.

Poster for Prof. Sara Stoudt's talk. Contained title, abstract, day and time information along with a picture of Prof. Stoudt.

“Perfectly Imperfect: Music, Math, and the Keyboard” – Prof. Gloria Cheng; Monday Mar. 4 from 4-5 PM in Olin 268

Bucknell Mathematics Student Colloquium Series

Monday, Mar. 4, 2024 | 4-5 PM | Olin 268

Perfectly Imperfect: Music, Math, and the Keybord
Presented by Gloria Cheng, Grammy and Emmy award winning pianist
Adjunct Professor, UCLA Herb Albert School of Music

Sponsored by the Departments of Music and Mathematics, with funding provided by the Kushell Music Endowment and the University Leadership Committee.

Poster for the talk by Prof. Gloria Cheng. Contains a picture of her along with the title of the talk and day/time information.

“An introduction to aperiodic tilings” – Colloquium by Prof. Scott Schmieding; Thursday Feb 1. at Noon in Olin 268

Bucknell Mathematics Student Colloquium Series

Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024 | Noon-12:50PM | Olin 268

An introduction to aperiodic tilings
Presented by Scott Schmieding, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Penn State University

ABSTRACT: An aperiodic tiling is a pattern that, despite looking like it may repeat, never actually does. They have been a subject of considerable interest, especially in connection with materials called quasicrystals discovered in the 1980’s. In this talk we’ll give a light introduction to their mathematical structure, including how to construct some.

Poster for "an introduction to aperiodic tilings" talk. Contains day/time information as well as a picture of Scott Schmieding and the abstract for the talk.

“What I did last summer” student internship and research panel; Thursday Nov. 9 at Noon in Olin 268

Bucknell Mathematics Student Colloquium Series

Thursday, Nov. 9 2023 | Noon-12:50PM | Olin 268

What I did last summer: student internship and research panel

A panel discussion featuring five current Bucknell Mathematics students sharing highlights and insights from their recent internship and research experiences.

Georgia Corbett
Brooke Exelbert
Changkun Guan
Jonathan Seitz
Kerong Wang

Poster for the What I did last summer panel. Contains day/time information as well as the list of panelists.

“Manipulation of thin flexible objects” – Colloquium by Prof. Andy Borum; Thursday Oct. 26 at noon in Olin 268

Bucknell Mathematics Student Colloquium Series

Thurs, Oct. 26 2023 | Noon-12:50PM | Olin 268

Manipulation of thin flexible objects
Presented by Andy Borum, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Vassar College

ABSTRACT: The next time you tie your shoes, unravel a charging cable, or twirl a noodle around a fork, think about how this problem could be described mathematically. Here is one possible description (continuing with the noodle example)—given two shapes of a three-dimensional curve, one representing the noodle’s starting shape and one representing the goal shape, how should the curve’s endpoints be moved so that the curve deforms from the starting shape into the goal shape? During this process, we should avoid self-intersections of the curve, since the noodle can’t pass through itself, and ensure that the curve remains in stable equilibrium so that the noodle doesn’t slide off of the fork. These two constraints—avoiding self-intersections and remaining stable—make this problem seem particularly challenging. In this talk, I will describe an example of this problem from robotics—manipulation of a thin flexible cable—and I will show how a careful analysis of the equations describing the cable’s shape leads to a closed-form solution of this problem.

Arrive early for Free Pizza!

Poster for Andy Borum talk. Contains picture of Prof. Borum along with the title, abstract, and date/time information for his talk.

Math Alumni Panel: Career Paths and Insights; Thursday Oct. 12 at Noon in Olin 268

Bucknell Mathematics Student Colloquium Series

Thurs, Oct. 12 2023 | Noon-12:50PM | Olin 268

Math Alumni Panel: Career Paths and Insights

Featuring Bucknell Mathematics Alumni sharing their career paths, insights, and advice on post-Bucknell career planning.

Elise Covert – IQVIA Biotech
Hannah Jarosinski – Axtria
Spandan Marasini – Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
Nate Mattis – Bermudian Springs High School
Robert Rhoades – Susquehanna International Group

Arrive early for Free Pizza!

poster for the Math Alumni panel in Fall 2023. Contains date, time and names of panelists.